How many sweets in a Celebrations tub?

Before Christmas I blogged about whether we were being short changed in our Celebrations tubs. I asked for people to analyse their own Celebrations tubs so I could crowd source some data to establish if we were getting #FairCelebrations.

Despite the blog post getting over 2,200 hits (which is pretty amazing for a niche vanity blog like this) only 13 people sent me their data. This lack of sufficient data may well make the experiment invalid, but unlike those dodgy pharmaceutical firms who Ben Goldacre rightly slates for burying negative results, I’m not going to do that. I’m posting my results for all to see and because I believe in #OpenData you can download my data too.

Below is my summary of the average number of each type of chocolate in the 13 tubs sampled.

Celebrations Data ave per tub

No doubt that there are more Mars Bars than anything else and there are far too many of the not so nice Bounty bars. Definitely could do with more Teasers and also some more Twix.

A quick online survey could reveal the nation’s preferences and identify if we are indeed getting #FairCelebrations. An online survey of preferences might throw  up some oddities, such as people who actually like Bounty bars!

Obviously not every tub had exactly the same number of each so below I’ve done a histogram of the spread of each choc type.

Celebrations Data histogram

And if the above graph is too confusing with all the different coloured lines I’ve done a nifty interactive chart below, where you can just click on the green cell at the top that says “Snickers” and you’ll get a drop down menu and then you can select the frequency distribution for your preferred choc type.

If you want to download the whole spreadsheet click here and the online version of Excel will load up in your browser and you can save it to your hard drive from there.

Edited to add:

I’m still after more data to make my results more statistically significant so if you want to send more data see below.
So, to the crowd sourced Celebrations data…

  1. Buy a tub of Celebrations
  2. Download the Word document that has the graph paper here. You will need need some scissors and tape to make the full continuous sheet. This whole step is optional but it will make things easier. Alternatively you could create a grid on the back of some wrapping paper.
  3. Empty the tub and count out each of the Celebrations.
  4. Then put them on the graph paper, but start on the left with the sweets that have the most and then move to the right in descending order. If you do it like this it makes the graph quicker an easier to read – check out the picture at the start of this post.
  5. Take a picture of it.
  6. The either tweet the picture or post it in the comments section below. When you tweet the picture please use the protocol below.
  7. Eat the tub of Celebrations
  8. Return to point 1 above and restart the whole process

5 thoughts on “How many sweets in a Celebrations tub?

  1. Nice work Rav but are you going to do some stats on that data? Visualisations are lovely but I’d like to know how likely it is that those distributions could gave occurred by chance if we did have fairly distributed Celebrations.


    • Good question. I did actually refer to some stats in my original blog post where I said:

      If, for the sake of argument, we assume there are 1 million single Celebrations sweets eaten this Christmas, how many tubs do we have to to check to ensure we are 95% certain (the confidence level) of the numbers of each type of sweet to within ±1 sweet (the confidence interval)?

      This website allows you to plug in the numbers and it gives 9,513 sweets. Simon has determined from his analysis that there are 82.4 sweets in each tub, so this gives us 115 tubs we need to check. Even though I’m a tubby guy with a sweet tooth this is too many tubs for me to eat. But I am hoping to gather some crowd sourced data from you and others dear reader.

      So I think my sample of 13 is a little low to give a statistically significant result. But I’m hoping by publishing the results it may encourage people to send me more data. In fact I will amend the post to let people send me more data. But it is a pretty poor return of 13 replies after over 2,000 people read the original blog post.


  2. Proportions won’t be based on popularity of confection type… They’ll be based on cost – cocoa beans being the most expensive ingredient (hence Galaxy and Galaxy Caramel being least represented)…

    Sugar (and the resultant sludge found in Mars, for example) is cheap… Other factor may be cost of production – perhaps why Twix, with it’s biscuit base and separate layer of sludge, being quite lowly featured.)


  3. Pingback: Poll to find your favourite choc in Celebrations tub | More Known Than Proven

  4. I only bought the boxes, not the tubs, and only to fill my two children’s Advent calendar. Some years ago all the pockets were filled, with a few left over for the gift wrapping session. More recently the shortfall is up to six. And the chocolate seems, on a subjective level, lower quality. NB I prefer Bounty to the dubious Milky Way. In any case, I have moved to Lindt.


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